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Sunday, December 15, 2013

12 Categories that Must Be a Part of Your Prepardness Plan

Sunday's are a pretty relaxing time for our family and I get a chance to review some prepper sites and watch some YouTube videos for research and further our knowledge.   Often, I get pretty easily distracted and find myself just wandering from prepper thought to prepper thought.   So far, I've written a couple of posts on APN, looked at craigslist for barter items and cheap water barrels, created a medicine bottle fishing kit, and even a little research on fish antibiotics.   I seriously hope that I'm not the only one in this category.

Then the reason and purpose for starting the Dark Cloud Survival blog hit me!  This tool was to help me learn and get better at a personal level (and maybe help someone else too).  Here are my twelve priorities I'll work to develop and expand with some detail in the very near future.

No. 1 - Determine YOUR Priorities.  As described in the previous post, this will properly determine what you do first and set the stage for what should follow.  Give some serious thought, organize, and write it down.

No. 2 - Water.  For most people, this will be the common denominator for sustaining life in the immediate future after an event or threat.  It's extremely cheap right now.  Easy to store and practically can be stored indefinitely.

No. 3 - Food.  There is a place in prepping for a large variety of types of food and how they currently exist (canned, dehydrated, frozen, etc.).  I've found it practical to simply repeat what we do now.  My wife and I do plan on getting a dehydrator before the year end and experiment with prepared foods.  Our son has a condition which is triggered by preservatives and artificials, so we have to consider that with our food preps.

No. 4 - Shelter.   There seems to be a dramatic and even romantic buzz with those preppers who have a buried shelter or bug out location (BOL).  Even though my family has about 40 acres not to far away, we don't have the funds to invest into making it a fall back location.  We have reconciled bugging in for an immediate response and taking extra measures for security.  For most, your current residence may likely be your bug in location.  That's OK.   Just understand that it is the case and prepare accordingly.

No. 5 - Security.   I recently heard a phrase, "if you can't protect it, then it's not yours."   There is a lot of truth to that.  Although, the area of security can be easily divided into several subcategories to review, protecting yourself, your family, and your property will be a critical element in surviving a wide-spread threat.

No. 6 - Power/Energy.    Our lives are SO dependent upon the immediate and accessible power for darn near everything.  This component will also require some effective thought and evaluation to develop a plan to either do without or do with little.  Yes, the TV show, "American Blackout" was a made for TV drama.  I get that, but you may have heard that "life imitates fiction".  I do believe it was a good stimulator for what it might be like without power for your electric can opener.  Just saying...

I hope these top 6 are close to some of your important preps, but understand that everyone's will vary depending on several factors.  I'll share the rest with you a little later this week and look forward to expanding ideas and getting advice and ideas from the readers.

Have a great week and stay prepared!

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