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Thursday, April 24, 2014

Get Home Bag Evaluation

This morning, I quickly came upon stopped traffic on Interstate 40 in rural TN.   A tractor trailer had overturned blocking both lanes and the radio confirmed a 2-hour wait to open the road. The median was too steep to cross over and I was far between exits to get off the road.  STUCK!

This was a good test for my GHB that stays in the trunk.  Preppers and survivalist often refer to Bug Out Bags (BOB’s) for the primary purpose of leaving a location quickly.  I’ve reconciled that I won’t be able to bug out so mine has almost identical contents but is referred to as a Get Home Bag (GHB).  Both usually contain about 3 days worth of food, water and other items to live uncomfortably for a short period and can be carried on your back.

No matter if you don’t believe in potential apocalyptic or SHTF events, it makes good sense to have these items in your car just in case the zombies attack your family from the roadside Stuckey’s as you pull in to fill up or you get stopped dead (no pun intended) on the interstate for 2 or more hours while on vacation.

Here’s what I had and what its possible use could be:

Part of my EDC:

·        Keltec P3AT and 7 rounds
·        iPhone 5 fully charged
·        Small Bic lighter (even though I don't smoke)
·        Chapstick (lips and fire starter)
·        Gerber Paraframe locking knife
·        Mini key chain light
·        Wallet w/ ID and cash

·        Watch
·        Paracord bracelet

Items Stowed in an inexpensive Outdoor Research pack from Walmart.

·        Quart of water and an extra 16 oz bottle in my computer bag
·        3 packs of honey
·        Bag of Jack Link’s beef jerky
·        Map of Tennessee
·        Silva compass
·        Small multi-tool
·        Roll of TP
·        3 medium sized carabiners
·        Lighter, matches, ferrous rod
·        Tinder for about 5 fires
·        Fishing kit in an empty medicine bottle
·        Small sewing kit from Vegas hotel
·        2 Flashlights w/ extra batteries
·        Off Deep Woods bug spray (2.5 oz)
·        50’ paracord
·        2 Glo-Sticks
·        Road flare (signaling or firestarting)
·        Red & Black sharpie pen
·        Hand-crank radio/flashlight
·        30spf sunscreen  (1oz)
·        25 yards of black duct tape
·        Small first aid kit w/ EMT scissors
·        Hand sanitizer (travel size)
·        60 rounds of .380 ammo in pack
·        4 large binder clips for securing shelter
·        Old cd for signaling with shiny side
·        Rain poncho
·        Kukri machete
·        Large HD 50 gal. garbage bag
·        Leather work gloves
·        Coleman camp shovel with pick (digging, chopping, or as a weapon)
·        2 bottles of whiskey (airplane size) for bartering or calming nerves or antiseptic
·        Fleece pullover top (still gets in the 50’s at night)
·        Extra pair of socks
·        Camouflage tarp (7x9) for shelter
·        50degree sleeping bag
·        Merrill hiking boots
All items weigh less than 25 pounds

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